Samreen Iboo Sait
Senior Associate (General IP)
Practice Interest
- Corporate-Commercial IP (Business & Management); Branding, Co-Branding & Merchandising; Due Diligence for IP; Corporate IP Strategy; IP Risk & IP Insurance; Intellectual Asset Management & Valuation; IP Portfolios; Amortization of Royalties; IP Investment & Brand Development; Utility-Trademarks; Copyright Societies; Author’s Rights; Orphan Works; Authorship & IP Regimes; Disability Rights Exceptions to Copyright; IP in Speeches, Shows, Events, Bands, Performances, Interviews, Politics & Elections
Licenses, Accreditations, Internships & Education
- Enrolment: Bar Council of Karnataka
- B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.), Alliance School of Law, Alliance University, Bangalore
- Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace (PoSH) Trainer [Certified by HR Certification Institute, SHRM Certification Program and PROTOUCH]
Posts & Reports
- Court-Case Bulletins
- Comments & Summaries
- News & Updates
Participation in Firm Management
- Responsibilities in relation to coordinating internal initiatives towards promoting diversity and inclusivity in all aspects of the firm’s functioning.
- Responsibilities in relation to facilitating organization of interactive bonding and team-building sessions as well as Book and Movie Club sessions for the attorneys at the firm.
- Responsibility for coordinating the ‘Continuing Legal Education’ (CLE) programmes such as the Legal Issues Seminar Series (LISS) presented by firm attorneys.
- Responsibilities in relation to managing the firm’s engagement with the industry professionals across various platforms to enhance firm relations within the industry.
- Responsibilities in relation to ensuring adherence to prevention of sexual harassment laws and gender neutral policy as member of the Internal Committee.
- Responsibility for coordinating the ‘Practice WorkShop Sessions’ (PWS) hosted for attorneys to encourage exchange of ideas and discussions on various topics at the law and society interface.
- English
- Hindi
- Tamil
- Urdu