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June 7, 2023

ALG’s Sneha Tandon And Sucharitha Banda Attended The GreenTech Summit Organized By CII-IGBC

ALG’s Sneha Tandon and Sucharitha Banda were a part of the recent GreenTech Summit organized by CII-IGBC in Delhi. The event saw participation of Government officials and leading innovators and professionals in the field of green technology, which is a practice area of focus and expertise for ALG’s law practice.  

The Summit highlighted the importance of employing sustainable green technologies and environmentally friendly innovative approaches, particularly in the building and infrastructure industry.

ALG attorneys exchanged high-level information, ideas and insights with industry leaders in the field of green building concepts, including recent trends in the field of green technology. These exchanges reinforce our Technology and Environment focused law practices at the firm and help us serve our clients in these industries more holistically.

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