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May 2, 2023

Practice Work Shop (PWS) On “Whether Control Digital Lending Is detrimental To Copyright Owners’ Rights?”

Featuring: Shreyak Patnaik

During last week’s PWS session, Shreyak Patnaik (Trainee Associate) led a discussion on “Whether Controlled Digital Lending is detrimental to copyright owners’ rights?”. The session commenced with a brief discussion on what Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) entails and its possible impact on the functioning of libraries in the digital realm. The members discussed and debated on the impact of sale of physical books viz-a-viz licensing of e-books on owners of the copyright. The members also discussed whether licensing of e-books would have detrimental effects in the publishing industry and whether digital lending should function solely through a license-based model.

The session ended with members brainstorming the most suitable model of CDL that would ensure a balance between public interest in accessing works and a copyright owners’ right to drive revenue from their copyrighted works.

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