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May 21, 2024

Practice Work Shop (PWS) On “Would granting copyright to video game streaming be detrimental to the interests of video game developers?”

Featuring: Shivanshi Gupta

During last week’s PWS Session, Shivanshi Gupta, Associate, led a discussion on ‘Would granting copyright to video game streaming be detrimental to the interests of video game developers?’ The session began with a discussion on the growing content of players interacting with video games and debated if players live-streaming playing video games can be considered a performance or a unique piece of work rather than mere consumption. The members further debated on whether the type of game being played in a live-stream had a bearing on a live-stream being considered a separate piece of work from the game itself. The possibility of statutory licensing for live game streaming as a means to balance the interests of video game developers and players was discussed as well. The session was fruitful as the members were able to arrive at a consensus that granting rights to live streamers is essential in the current scenario, recognizing the evolving dynamics of video game interactions and streaming.

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