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May 24, 2018

WIPO’s artificial intelligence powered patent translation tool has been adopted by the Republic of Korea

The Republic of Korea is the first country to adopt WIPO’s artificial intelligence (AI) based translation tool for patent documents. Through the WIPO Translate highly technical patent documents can be translated into a second language wherein the translated document would mirror the style and syntax of that language in common usage. It is done through uses cutting-edge neural machine translation technology and this AI based tool has gained praise for producing more accurate translation, far better than what its predecessor patent-translation tools could output.

Neural machine translation works on massive neural network models which machine-learn from previously translated sentences. The result of this process is a translation which has a more natural word sequence (higher quality translation) which is hard to achieve in languages which are rooted distantly from one another, such as Korean, Chinese and Japanese in comparison with English.

WIPO has made its Translate technology available to several international organizations, viz. United Nations Secretariat, several specialized agencies of the UN and the World Trade Organization. Currently, the AI based translation tool can translate all patent documents in one of the official languages of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, viz. Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish into English and vice-versa. WIPO aims to expand the language base of its new patent translation tool to include other unofficial and unlisted UN languages.

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