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April 26, 2023

Legal Issues Seminar-General IP (LIS-GIP) On “When Is An Appeal From An Order Passed By A Commercial Court At District Level Maintainable?”

Featuring: Sucharitha Banda

A ‘Legal Issues Seminar- General IP’ (LIS-GIP) was conducted by Sucharitha Banda,  Associate, on “When Is an Appeal from an Order Passed By A Commercial Court At District Level Maintainable?”. The seminar explored the relevant provisions for appeal under the Commercial Courts Act, 2015, Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (as amended by Commercial Courts Act, 2015), and the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The session delved into various case laws that have interpreted appeal of orders and judgements from Commercial Courts. The seminar looked into the intent of the legislation and the different rules of interpretation courts followed while adjudicating the disputes. The session concluded with a discussion on the subsisting ambiguity in the application of the provision for appeals and a need for legislative clarity.

The presentation can be accessed here.

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